Solutions for life sciences

Molecular modeling is a powerful tool that enhances the efficiency, precision, and innovation of research and development in precision medicine.

Life Science Modeling

Protyon provides a computational prediction of how small molecules may interact with drug targets and mutations of these drug targets.

Our software approach provides both a rapid assessment of drug, target binding and impact of mutations on protein behavior. We have particular expertise in kinases, the class of targets most frequently targeted in drug development and estimating the impact of mutations on kinase activation, leading to the identification of potential treatment options. The same biophysical rules are broadly applicable to all protein like drug interactions.

In silico development towards precision medicine.

Protyon can help derisk your development pipelines by assessing how frequently mutations leading to protein malfunction (eg. kinase activation) are associated with disease. Protyon can aid the selection of patient for treatment using your developments, reducing unsuccessful usage of your marketed products.

Potential for drug resistance

We can assess how simple (SNP) and complex mutations may impact your drug efficacy.

Cohort selection

By helping to define selection criteria for patient inclusion into a clinical trial Protyon can increase the chances of a successful clinical trial.

Protyon’s contribution to your development pipeline

Revolutionize traditional drug development with molecular modeling

Protyon is trusted and utilized by hospitals and our partners

Talk to us

Feel free to reach out to us and book an appointment with one of our experts in the field of molecular modeling. We are here to support you. 

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Hoang Nguyen
Chief Operation Officer